Tuesday, March 24, 2020

Film Opening Project (blog 21, CCR edition)

Last blog I did a bit of research looking at other independent films similar to ours, getting information on our target audience, and studying representation within the subject of our opening. The reason why I've been starting to this is because I will need to start making my CCR, which is another component within my AICE project. Basically CCRs (Creative Critical Reflections) is another addition to the film opening where I make a video, letting the AICE judges know why we chose certain things in our film. We need to include a variety of other information as well such as representation and audience (hence the research in last blog). 

A really important factor that our teacher stressed is that our CCR needs to be creative. If we were to submit a video where we just talked for minutes on end, we would probably get a poor grade. Or rather we would get a poor grade. So, I've been brainstorming and coming up with ideas on how I can present my CCR in a creative way. For me, I feel that by developing my personality through the presentation is one way to make it stand out, but I'm still not sure which route I should take it.

I guess I have two options. I could either do a video where I narrate with photos or I could do a video where I'm visible on screen. The second option seems like a better choice for me; I think I'll be able to portray my personality a little more (plus it means a lot less editing).  However, I am going to have to find a way to make it not dull. Last thing I want for anyone is to see a video of me where I ramble for 10 minutes.

I guess that means I'll have to keep brainstorming, I'll keep you guys posted. :)

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